Everything you need as a pro email marketer 🚀

Sendmail. Solutions Features

Everything you need as a pro email marketer 🚀. At Sendmail.solutions, we believe that every business deserves access to top-notch email marketing tools. That’s why we offer a comprehensive suite of features.

Drag & Drop Builder

Easily drag & drop the relevant blocks to create the stunning email template

Add Images / Link

Add images, videos, and links in the email template as per your need

Responsive Design

Email templates are fit for any device and they are responsive to all devices

Detailed Analytics

In-depth analyzing of the results of each campaign

Plain Text/HTML

Create plain text email or stunning HTML email designs

Create Automation Workflow

Build a automated emails workflow that will trigger on subscriber behavior

Custom Fields

Expand your data collection by creating custom fields beyond just name and email

Amazon SES

API or SMTP Integration with Amazon SES to deliver emails

Email Personalization

Personalize by creating custom fields beyond just name and email

Email Tracking

Track each click, engagement made by users for all your emails

Email Verification

Verified your email list for the best deliverability results


Organize your email campaigns, subscriber lists, and workflows based on their name and status

Auto Responder

Greet your new subscribers with a automated "welcome email"

List Segmentation

Maximize your results by targeting subscribers, to boost engagement and revenue by up to 35%.

Unlimited SMTP Servers

Connect unlimited number of your own SMTP servers to distribute your email load

Unsubscribe & Handle Bounce

Automatically remove all the unsubscribed and bounce emails and clean your list.

CSV Import

Migrate from your current email marketing tool and import all your contacts through CSV file & easily

Add DKIM Signature

Sign DKIM your emails with your sending domains and improve deliverability

Unsubscribe & Handle Bounce

Automatically remove all the unsubscribed and bounce emails and clean your list.

Custom Tracking Domains

Use your own custom tracking domains for better emails deliverability

Manage List and Subscribers

With Sendmail.solutions manage and segment lists & subscribers easily

Marketing Automation

Capture your leads with a series of automated emails based on the user's behavior

Outgoing Webhooks

Instant webhook notification system with event details

API Integration

Access and manage your email marketing through API endpoints

Contact us today for a free consultation

Office address

MacLeod Place II, 5940 Macleod Trail SW #500, Calgary, AB T2H 2G4, Canada

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